Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 15: Tips for a New Blogger

Today on the blog challenge, we're sharing tips for a new blogger. I've been blogging for two years now, and I'm still learning what works and what doesn't. But for those just starting out, here's my advice:
  1. Be yourself. The best blogs are written with an authentic voice. Don't try and be or sound like someone you're not.
  2. Blog with a consistent theme. The blogs I read most have an overarching subject or emphasis area (cooking, design, parenting, etc). My blog is mostly about my son and being a mother. Not to say you can't talk about other things, but having a focus helps guide your writing.
  3. Post plenty of pictures. People love pictures. They probably love your writing too, but pictures make a post so much more interesting. Design studies show that people scan websites for images they like and then read the text, so pictures could actually help up your readership. Admittedly, I need to be better at this too (e.g. no picture for today's post).
Most important of all, just get writing! Happy blogging!


  1. It's kinda hard to do pictures that went along with todays topic anyways but I full-heartedly agree they make the post pop. I need to work on it too so I'm with ya!

  2. I love blogs with pictures too! Not all of the time, but often enough!

    Thanks for sharing your tips!

  3. I agree with you about the pictures. I hardly ever used to post photos, but when I do I definitely notice an increase in comments and readers. It works! :)


Thanks for reading!