Monday, May 31, 2010

Bump Watch

And so begins month 7... 28 weeks! The pregnancy is going so fast. I can't believe we're already entering the third trimester.

We had a nice Memorial Day weekend with friends and family. My girlfriends sat out in the heat and humidity with me on Sunday so I wouldn't have to breathe bar smoke. It was a fun day. We played cards and gabbed for five hours. We were hot, sweaty messes, but they assured me it was nice to get some sun.

Today, we took Stella to her first parade. She did well, but was really scared by the bands (especially the percussion). She doesn't ususally mind loud noises or thunderstorms, so we were pretty surprised. After the parade, she played outside almost the entire day and promptly passed out on the couch when we got home. So cute.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear I'm not the only one who takes my dog to parades. Haha.


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