Friday, December 4, 2009

This doesn't feel normal, but thanks

I freaked out and called me doctor yesterday. She told me exactly what I expected to hear. This is normal, you're young, we need to wait it out and see if your body regulates itself.

Yeah, whatever.

It's a good thing I love my doctor. She's actually a nurse midwife, so she has a very holistic approach that I really like. If we get pregnant, I definitely want her with me along the way. But there are times (like this) that I wish she was a little more aggressive. This is normal, I'm young, I need to wait it out and see if my body regulates itself.

She did recommend acupuncture, which I think I'm going to try. It's not covered by insurance, but the treatments are done in a clinic setting. I was imagining going to some kooky woman's house with incense and cats. But treatments are at the same clinic as urgent care, so I feel like it's pretty legit.

Until then, more yoga, jogging and pre-natal vitamins. This is normal, I'm young, I need to wait it out and see if my body regulates itself.

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